Communication Accommodation Theory

Communication accommodation theory, related to social identity theory, is about people adjusting to communicate by minimizing social differences. The theory was developed by Howard Giles, a professor teaching communication at the University of California in 1971. The theory is an advancement of speech adjustment theory talking about psychological concepts on dynamics of speech. Communication accommodation … Read more

Authoritarian Theory of Mass Communication

Authoritarian theory of mass communication originated from the philosophy of Plato (407-327 B.C.). The English monarchs used this approach when the printing press was invented by censoring, licensing, taxation and making laws. It is a normative theory of mass communication where mass media is influenced and overpowered by power and authority in the nations. Media … Read more

Agenda Setting Theory

Maxwell MaxCombs and Donald Shaw along with G. Ray Funkhouser prepared a mass media theory known as Agenda Setting Theory in 1968. The study was conducted on North Carolina voters done in 1968 presidential election. The conclusion was later published as an article in 1972 in “Public Opinion Quarterly”, which was later revised in 1976. … Read more

Workplace Discrimination

Workplace discrimination refers to a situation where an employee or job applicant is treated unfavorably because of personal attributes such as Race Gender Sexual orientation Ethnicity Skin color Age Nationality Physical or mental disability Marital status Pregnancy or parenthood Religion Relationship to someone who may be discriminated against In addition to this, employees and job … Read more

Training and Types of Training

Skilled workers are the key to smooth functioning and progress of any company. Therefore, skills and qualifications of an employee are carefully evaluated while they are being recruited. Hiring potential employees can help the company to achieve the organizational goal to some extent but it will not be helpful in a long run. It is … Read more

Strengths and Limitations of Interview

An interview is believed to be an important part of the selection process by most of the employers. Researchers have even shown that interview is included in 90% of the selection process that takes place worldwide. Employers rely on the interview because it has various advantages. However, the interview is not advantageous always. It also … Read more

Steps Involved in Interview Process

An interview is a major tool for selection process which is set up by the employers to know in detail about the candidates. It is a formal verbal interaction between the employers and the prospective candidates which helps the employers in extracting as much information as possible about the candidate. An interview is set for … Read more

Steps Involved in Effective Recruitment Process

Simply speaking, it is a process of creating a pool of candidates interested to do certain job and choosing the best-qualified ones from within. Recruitment is an essential part of acquisition function of human resource management which can be defined as the process of searching for eligible candidate and encouraging them to apply for the … Read more

Purposes of Performance Appraisal

Performance appraisal is evaluating an employee’s current and/or past performance relative to his or her performance standard. – Gary Dessler Performance appraisal is the systematic evaluation of employees with respect to their performance on their job and their potential for development. In other words, it is the process of measuring productivity in terms of efficiency … Read more

Pregnancy Discrimination in the Workplace

Pregnancy discrimination refers to the unfair treatment of female workers because of pregnancy, childbirth, or any related medical condition. There are many cases of blatant discrimination against pregnant women because an employer doesn’t think she will be able to perform her job. However, pregnancy discrimination can also be subtle such as making one’s job redundant … Read more