Groupthink Theory

‘Group think’ is a process where certain number of people come together with unanimous decisions that concerns the whole group and decide a possible course of action. These groups come to situations where they have to decide between unanimity (agreement by all people involved) and objective solution and they go for unanimity rather than going … Read more

Gatekeeping Theory

Billions of events take place around the globe in a single day. People cannot access them all, so they use these mediators to manage the information according to relevancy and proximity. Gatekeeping is the information managing process by media for selecting information to be broadcasted in media on the basis of the type of information, … Read more

Framing Theory

Framing Theory is an adaptation of Agenda Setting Theory, both theories talk about how media diverts the attention of audience from importance of an issue to what it wants to project and it is used to know media effects. It sets a point of view by having a field of meaning. Frame is how a … Read more

Four Theories of the Press

Communication theorists Fred Siebert, Theodore Peterson, and Wilbur Schramm created the basis for the classification of how we view media systems. Their book Four Theories of the Press, published in 1956 by the University of Illinois, is the quintessential resource referred to while writing about mass communication theories. In the book, the authors outlined the … Read more

Face Negotiation Theory

Asians and Americans have a difference that is less talked about, not racial but social in nature. The difference is how they behave in conflict situations due to their social upbringing, as Asians belong to collectivist culture and they think of their whole group before making any decision and try to negotiate to protect their … Read more

Expectancy Violation Theory

Unexpected behavioral change of people while interacting is explained by Expectancy Violation Theory. The theory was proposed by Judee. K. Burgoon(a professor of Communication, Family Studies and Human Development) and talks about how nonverbal communication’s affect and influence behavior of people. People tend to expect or predict people to behave in certain ways during any … Read more

Development Communication Theory

The main idea behind development communication theory is media for development of people in a nation or to help the target population. Communication seeks to serve the people without manipulation and encourage genuine response. There is no propaganda as ulterior motive of communication. Communication is to develop Conscientization or critical consciousness which can be about … Read more

Democratic-participant Theory of Mass Communication

The idea of Democratic participant Theory was started by grass-root level media in 1960s. It emerged because of the dissatisfaction with other models such as Libertarian theory, social responsibility theory, etc. The democratic-participant theory believes there is democratic and professional hegemony in the media today and the media is totally commercial. All these ill practices … Read more

Contagion Theory

While contagion literally means “through touch” and is commonly used to explain the spread of diseases, in communication, it means the social transmission, by contact, of ideas, culture and behaviours. It assumes that social transmission can occur from mere touch or contact with culture. Contagion theory talks about collective behavior of human beings. Members of … Read more

Communist Theory of Mass Communication

The communist theory of mass media came into being along with the concept of communism. George W. F. Hegel and later, Karl Marx with Engels were the people who thought of the theory in the 19th century. Mass media in the view of Karl Marx was supposed to be responsible for socialist system of governance … Read more